
Hi you, I'm pleased you found here. my name is Jenni and I'm doula. My doula studies are ongoing at Doulannuput. Studies end on December 2024, and I will apply for Birth doula certification. My heart warms with every pregnant, birthing and birthed family, and with my love I am here to support you in your pregbancy, birth and postpartum. All this is one big journey when family born, and find their own pleaswnt way to grow and being empowered.

I trust human body and its capability to give birth. That is my leading philosofy for birth. My strengts as doula lies in mental support, and I believe that in every pregnancy there is always unique path to step into which will grow your understanding of yourself and the worls around you. Doulas support is on its place in this path to give you trust, peace and loving tenderness. These powerful tools gets your body and mind in their best during birth.

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